“Oh Damn, Guess What I Forgot?**”
A 100-word* food blog post, apparently

Sunday Breakfast
Scotch Pancakes, aka Drop or Dropped Scones (although they are manifestly not scones). Use a recipe from a book (the best is by Theodora Fitzgibbon) or an Internet if you have one.
Ingredients should involve egg, self-raising flour, golden syrup (possibly under a local alias), milk, a whisk and some gentle frying.
Place scones on a warm plate. Top with dry-fried bacon, cinnamon, maple syrup, fresh fruit and cream as shown.
Creative consultant: Gail Boenning . Sorry about the mixup.
**walnuts, which were the point of the exercise. (I left them in the kitchen. Duh.)
*rules, and more like (but mostly unlike) this, here. Tag 100wordstory.